Using the Stand-alone Launcher
Adding Devices to the Launcher Database 4-95. Click on Apply to add the device; if the entered IP address or
host name is associated with an active device, the device entry
will immediately appear in the list box with its contact status
displayed, and will also be added to the database. The Add
Device window will remain open, allowing you to add additional
devices if desired.
Click on Clear to delete the information you have entered into this
window before adding new information. This will clear all the fields
including the default values that automatically are entered into the
Polling Rate and Community fields.
Click on Default to restore the default values to the polling rate
and community fields.
Repeat the above procedure to add additional devices; the maximum
number of devices you can add is limited only by your system
resources. Be sure to click on Apply after entering each deviceÕs
information to add it to the database; click on Clear to cancel any
changes that have not yet been applied.
When you have Þnished adding devices to your database, click on
Close to exit the window.
Assigning an Appropriate Community Name
For all of CabletronÕs newer devices Ñ including the EMM-E6,
TRMM-4, and all SmartSwitch devices Ñ MIB information is
organized into a series of Òcomponents,Ó each of which controls a
deÞned set of logically-grouped objects. In the original versions of
these devices, each MIB component is protected by its own set of
user-conÞgurable Read Only, Read/Write, and SuperUser
community names. These names determine the level of access (read
only, read/write, or superuser) that will be granted to the
information controlled by each component. Newer versions of
devices with this component-based MIB architecture have been
simpliÞed somewhat; these devices support a single, global set of
community names, with small modiÞcations added automatically to
00-Instl_SEM-Solaris_Book Page 9 Monday, October 5, 1998 11:41 AM