Introduction to SPECTRUM for Solstice Enterprise Manager on Solaris
Using this Guide 1-3 The
System Message Reference Guide
explains the source of a variety
of error and informational messages you may see; corrective user
action is also provided, where appropriate.
This manual assumes that you have a basic understanding of
network management concepts and that you are familiar with Solaris,
a Sun Microsystems version of the UNIX operation system, and the
window manager (OpenWindows or the Common Desktop
Environment) you have selected.
¥ Chapter 1,
Introduction to SPECTRUM for Solstice Enterprise
Manager on Solaris
, describes this
Installing and Using ...
and the conventions used here and in other SPMA manuals,
explains where to Þnd information about SPMA applications and
device management modules, and tells you how to contact the
Cabletron Systems Global Call Center.
¥ Chapter 2,
Installing SPECTRUM for Solstice Enterprise
, lists the hardware and software requirements for using
SPECTRUM for Solstice Enterprise Manager, and outlines the
procedures for installing SPECTRUM Portable Management
Applications for use in conjunction with Solstice Enterprise
Manager and in a stand-alone mode.
¥ Chapter 3,
Getting Started
, explains how to use SPMA Discover
to create Cabletron Systems device glyphs in your Solstice
Enterprise Manager database, how to create device glyphs from
scratch without using SPMA Discover, and how to conÞgure your
glyphs to make the most of the features and functions available on
each Cabletron device.
¥ Chapter 4,
Using the Stand-alone Launcher
, explains how to use
the SPMA Stand-alone Launcher, how to access SPMA
applications from the command line, and how to add third party
applications to the Launcher menu; some basic information about
MIB components and community names is also provided.
¥ Appendix A,
Selecting MIB Agent Files for Cabletron Devices
provides a list of the ASN1 and GDMO Þles applicable to each
Cabletron management device supported by SPMA; refer to this
list when conÞguring glyphs for your Cabletron intelligent
00-Instl_SEM-Solaris_Book Page 3 Monday, October 5, 1998 11:41 AM