Cabletron Device MIB Agents

Cabletron Device MIB Agent Tables A-9

SmartSwitch 9000 Devices
To create a glyph for any individual SmartSwitch 9000 module, select the
appropriate component from the EditÑ>CreateÑ>Component menu;
conÞgure the object as usual, assigning a valid community name and
selecting the agent Þles listed on the chart that follows.
To create a glyph for a SmartSwitch 9000 chassis, select the csi9000 six- or
14-slot chassis component. To conÞgure a SmartSwitch 9000 chassis glyph,
you need only assign a name in the Object ConÞguration Tool window; this
can consist of any alphanumeric string that will help you identify the
chassis. You need Þll in no other Þelds in this window, and you need not
select any agent Þles. Note that these glyphs will not interact with Solstice
Enterprise Manager with respect to contact status, since the chassis itself
does not yet have its own IP address or its own intelligence; however, the
csi9000 glyph will provide access to the SmartSwitch 9000 chassis Hub
View, which can be manually conÞgured to display each of the installed
For more information about conÞguring the SmartSwitch 9000 chassis Hub
View, consult the SmartSwitch 9000 Chassis UserÕs Guide.
00-Instl_SEM-Solaris_Book Page 9 Monday, October 5, 1998 11:41 AM