Installing SPECTRUM for Solstice Enterprise Manager

2-2 Installation Prerequisites

Installing SPMA Files on your Workstation
Whether youÕre installing SPECTRUM for Solstice Enterprise
Manager on Solaris for the Þrst time, or installing an additional
device module or product upgrade, you follow the same simple
procedure to install the SPMA Þles on your workstation Ñ including
choosing the modules you wish to install. All necessary directories
and subdirectories are created for you automatically, and all
appropriate documentation is installed along with the chosen
Integrating SPMA with Solstice Enterprise Manager
You must also update a number of Solstice Þles and directories so that
they contain the Cabletron information required to run SPMA.
Creating Environment Variables
If you wish, you can deÞne the variable CTRONDB to store your
SPMA-related database Þles in other than the default location.
Testing for and Correcting Potential NIS Problems
Certain SPMA applications make frequent use of IP address to host
name mapping, which can slow application response time on some
networks. The SPMA pnisd daemon is designed to enhance this
response time on networks where this is a problem; we tell you how
to test your network, and how to install the daemon if you need it.
Installation Prerequisites
Before you install SPMA, you must already have installed Solstice
Enterprise Manager from Sun Microsystems. The SPMA installation
creates some new directories and adds Þles to existing Solstice
Enterprise Manager directories. You install the entire product Ñ
including all related documentation Ñ from a single CD; all
necessary directories are created for you automatically.
Hardware Requirements
SPMA requires a minimum of 48 megabytes of RAM, but 64 is
recommended. At a minimum, swap space should be equal to twice
the amount of RAM; however, if you plan to run several SPMA
00-Instl_SEM-Solaris_Book Page 2 Monday, October 5, 1998 11:41 AM