Introduction to SPECTRUM for Solstice Enterprise Manager on Solaris
1-2 Using this Guide
views themselves, via the
menu; or, for operation in
stand-alone mode, from the Stand-alone Launcher or the command
SPECTRUM for SEM also expands the graphical reporting
capabilities of Solstice Enterprise Manager by providing pie chart and
meter tools that allow you to dynamically display network data and
performance statistics. You can run and control these visual tools
through menu choices and dialog boxes within the SPECTRUM for
SEM graphical user interface, or execute them in a stand-alone mode
from the command line, specifying both the variables to depict and
the properties of the chart or meter itself. The pie chart and meter
tools are more thoroughly described in the
Charts, Graphs, and
chapter of the
SPECTRUM Portable Management
Application (SPMA) Tools Guide
Using this Guide This manual is designed to complement the Solstice Enterprise
Manager manual set from Sun Microsystems, as well as the
Tools Guide
, the
Cabletron SystemsÕ Network Troubleshooting Guide
SPMA System Message Reference Guide
, and the individual
device- and application-speciÞc
UserÕs Guides
; it describes how to
install SPECTRUM for SEM, how to discover Cabletron devices on
your network and how to properly deÞne the glyphs that represent
them, and how to access the
menu, which serves as a gateway
to each individual application available for your device. The
Enterprise Manager UserÕs
guides describe how to use
the basic features of Solstice: creating your network and network
components, retrieving network data, specifying events, and so forth;
SPMA Tools Guide
and the individual device- and
UserÕs Guides
provide detailed information on
how to operate each of the management applications available for
your Cabletron intelligent devices; and the
Network Troubleshooting
provides some guidelines that can help you interpret the
statistical data provided by SPMA about the trafÞc on your network.
00-Instl_SEM-Solaris_Book Page 2 Monday, October 5, 1998 11:41 AM