Getting Started
Starting SPMA Tools and Applications 3-13
Launching DocumentationA new menu option available from the console Viewer window also
provides access to all installed SPMA documentation Þles.
(Documentation Þles are installed automatically based on the
management modules you choose.) Selecting the ToolsÑ>SPMA
Guide option will launch a menu Þle (illustrated in Figure 3-2) that
provides a link to all available documents. You can also access this
menu Þle (called SPMAdocs.pdf) and any other document Þle
directly via Acrobat Reader. Documentation Þles are installed in the
/usr/ctron/documentation directory.
Figure 3-2. The SPMAdocs.pdf menu Þle
00-Instl_SEM-Solaris_Book Page 13 Monday, October 5, 1998 11:41 AM