Using the Stand-alone Launcher
About the Stand-alone Launcher 4-5Device Type
Displays the device type: EMME, MRXI-24, TRMM, etc., as detected
by the most recent successful poll.
Host Name/IP Address
Displays the hostname or IP address used to deÞne the device when
it was entered in the database. If there is a hostname mapped to your
deviceÕs IP address, you can use that hostname in place of the IP
address; note, however, that the hostname is not the same as the
device name which can be assigned via Local Management and/or
System Description
Displays the value of sysDescr, which typically includes a description
of the device and the revision of Þrmware currently installed. This
Þeld displays the value from the Þrst successful poll; if there has not
been a successful poll, it will remain empty. (Note that the value is not
updated after the Þrst successful poll unless contact is lost, then
re-established.) The system description for the highlighted device is
also displayed in the System Description Þeld in the lower portion of
the window.
Displays the amount of time, in an X days hours:minutes:seconds
format, since the device was last reset. This Þeld displays the value
from the last successful poll; if there has not been a successful poll,
the Þeld will remain empty.
Last Contact Change
Displays the date and time of the last change in contact status
detected by the Launcher. Note that this Þeld displays the year as a
four-digit value, if that value is provided by your workstation.
The System Description field in the lower portion of the window is always
a read-only field; however, once the Launcher has made contact with a
device, you can place a cursor in the text box and use it to scroll the text, if
necessary, to display the entire description.
00-Instl_SEM-Solaris_Book Page 5 Monday, October 5, 1998 11:41 AM