Installing SPECTRUM for Solstice Enterprise Manager

Installing SPMA 2-13

Integrating SPMA with Solstice Enterprise Manager
Several Solstice Enterprise Manager Þles and directories must be
updated to include the information used to run SPMA. The
integration process which immediately follows the install (or which
can be run independently at any time) performs the following
¥ Copies the necessary MIB agent and schema Þles and converts
them to the ASN1 and GDMO format required by Solstice
Enterprise Manager.
¥ Copies the necessary glyph Þles to the appropriate directory.
¥ Updates the glyph menu Þle, so that Cabletron glyphs can provide
access to all appropriate management functions.
¥ Copies Cabletron trap information to the trap_maps Þle.
¥ Re-initializes Solstice using the em_services -r command, so
that SPMA applications can be successfully run.
As displayed in Figure 2-6 above, you will be offered the option to
integrate as part of the initial SPMA installation process; you may
also opt to perform the integration separately at a later time. The
integration process is the same in either case, and is described in
detail below.
Choices to Make During Integration
During the integration process, you will be prompted to make two
choices. First, you will be asked to select a numeric value to serve as
the base ID for the Cabletron ASN1 and GDMO agent Þles which will
be added to the appropriate directories. A default value of 52 is
provided for you; you can accept this value, or select any other
numerical value you want, as long as it is unique (that is, as long as it
has not been assigned as a base ID for any other ASN1 or GDMO Þles
you have installed).
00-Instl_SEM-Solaris_Book Page 13 Monday, October 5, 1998 11:41 AM