6 Constructionin
Enclosure Ventilation
For proper ventilation, the base structure must be constructed using one of two designs:
1 An enclosure with one side open
2 An enclosure having four sides, a top, and bottom
At least two ventilation openings at cylinder valve level shall be provided in the side wall, equally sized, spaced at 180 degrees and unobstructed.
Each opening shall have a total free area of not less than 10 square inches (254 square mm).
Ventilation openings shall be provided at floor level and shall have a total free area of not less than 10 square inches (254 square mm). If the ventilation openings at floor level are in a side wall, there shall
be at least two openings. The bottom of the openings shall be at floor level and the upper edge no more than 5 inches (127mm) above the floor. The openings shall be equally sized, spaced, and unobstructed.
Barbecue Grills
www.calflamebbq.com | LTR50001038, Rev. C |