4.Click [OK] in the confirmation dialog.
Delete all instances of your camera model name or [Canon Camera] if it appears in one or more places in the [Other devices] or [Imaging devices] categories.
5.Close [Device Manager] or [System Properties].
With Windows 2000, continue by deleting the setup information file.
Step 6 and above are not required for Windows Vista and Windows XP.
If the [inf] Folder Is Not Visible in the [WINNT] Folder
Use the following procedures to show all files and folders.
1.Open the [WINNT] folder.
2.Click the [Tools] menu and select [Folder Options].
3.Click the [View] tab.
4.In the [Files and Folders] category in the Advanced Settings section, set [Hidden files and folders] to [Show hidden files and folders]. Remove the check marks from [Hide file extensions for known file types] if it is present.
5.Click [OK] to close the dialog.
This will make the hidden files and folders visible.
7.Look for files for Canon digital cameras that start with [CAP*]. The “*” represents a number, such as 0 or 1.
[CAP*] files come in pairs of [CAP*.inf] and [CAP*.pnf] files, “*“ represents the same number (For example, [CAP0.inf] and [CAP0.pnf]).