802.11g 4-Port Wireless LAN Broadband Router
LAN IP Address:
These fields show the LAN IP Address and the Subnet Mask as seen by others on
your Local Area Network (LAN). Most users will not need to change these values.
If you change the LAN IP Address with the DHCP server running, you'll need to restart your client machines. If you change the LAN IP Address without the DHCP server running, you'll need to manually reconfigure your clients' IP addresses.
WAN IP Address:
Choose either Obtain an IP Address Automatically (most users)(you can specify the
IP you want to get by filling the
assigns static IPs). If you choose the second option, type in the Wide Area Network
(WAN) IP Address, Subnet Mask, ISP Gateway Address, and DNS values. You can
obtain those information from your ISP.
PPPoE Login:
If your ISP uses
otherwise, choose Disable. PPPoE allows your ISP to authenticate your connection by
requiring you to submit a username and password.
Type the User Name and Password provided by your ISP in the boxes. For PPPoE connection types, you can select either Connect on Demand or Connect Manually. And moreover, if you want to limit the idling minutes, select Max Idle Time and type a maximum number in minutes. Change MTU to specify the largest size for network transmission. It is recommendated to use default value 1492.
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) enable devices such as PCs, routers or other devices
to be plugged into a network and automatically know about each other.