3Setting the Image-recording Quality

The 73/83/74/84/76/86modes record the image in the widely-used JPEG. In the 1mode, the captured image will require post-processing with the software provided. In the 1+73 (RAW+JPEG) mode, the image is recorded in both the RAW and JPEG simultaneously. Note that 1and 1+73cannot be selected in the Basic Zone modes.

1Select [Quality].

¡Select the [z] tab.

¡Press the <V> key to select

[Quality], then press <0>.

sThe recording quality screen will appear.

2Set the desired recording quality.

¡Press the <S> key to select the desired recording quality, then press <0>.

¡When you press the shutter button halfway, the image-recording quality will be displayed on the LCD panel.

Image-recording Quality Settings


Image Type


Print Size





73(Large Fine)


3456 x 2304

A3 or larger

83(Large Normal)


(Approx. 8 million)







74(Medium Fine)


2496 x 1664

A5 - A4

84(Medium Normal)


(Approx. 4.15 million)






76(Small Fine)


1728 x 1152

A5 or smaller

86(Small Normal)


(Approx. 2 million)









3456 x 2304

A3 or larger


(Approx. 8 million)







¡ The 7(Fine) and 8(Normal) icons indicate the image’s compression rate. For better image quality, select 7for low compression. To record more images on the memory card, select a higher compression 8.

¡With RAW+7L, the RAW and JPEG images will be saved under the same file No. in the same folder.