| Using the |
| |
| |
| ||
With | [m / ft] | |
ISO speed | Wide angle: 18mm | Telephoto: 55mm |
100Approx. 1 - 3.7 / 3.3 - 12.1 Approx. 1 - 2.3 / 3.3 - 7.5
200Approx. 1 - 5.3 / 3.3 - 17.4 Approx. 1 - 3.3 / 3.3 - 10.8
400Approx. 1 - 7.4 / 3.3 - 24.3 Approx. 1 - 4.6 / 3.3 - 15.1
800Approx. 1 - 10.5 / 3.3 - 34.4 Approx. 1 - 6.6 / 3.3 - 21.7
1600Approx. 1 - 14.9 / 3.3 - 48.9 Approx. 1 - 9.3 / 3.3 - 30.5
With | [m / ft] | |
ISO speed | Wide angle: 17mm | Telephoto: 85mm |
100Approx. 1 - 3.3 / 3.3 - 10.8 Approx. 1 - 2.3 / 3.3 - 7.5
200Approx. 1 - 4.6 / 3.3 - 15.1 Approx. 1 - 3.3 / 3.3 - 10.8
400Approx. 1 - 6.5 / 3.3 - 21.3 Approx. 1 - 4.6 / 3.3 - 15.1
800Approx. 1 - 9.2 / 3.3 - 30.2 Approx. 1 - 6.6 / 3.3 - 21.7
1600Approx. 1 - 13.0 / 3.3 - 42.7 Approx. 1 - 9.3 / 3.3 - 30.5
¡ Use the
¡When using the
¡A super telephoto lens or fast,
¡ To retract the flash, push it back down.
¡In the <s> <a> modes, even if you set the shutter speed to one faster than 1/200 sec., it will be set automatically to 1/200 sec.
¡If autofocus cannot be achieved, the