Thesymbolwilldisplaywhen Be careful when making changes to the print or usingamemorycardthathad _'ansfersettings wi_ other DPOF cameras, printsettingsortransfer because all such settings will he overwritten by settingsbyotherDPOF- your camera (pp. 105,111,114).


Thecameraautomatically• There is no effect on the recorded image.

brightenedheimagedisplayed ontheLCDmonitor(or viewfinder)tomakeiteasierto seewhenshootingadark area(p19). .

Camera is in Playback or

computer/printer connection mode.

Flash is charging. (Blinking white _ on LCD monitor/in vlawfinder),

Memory card full.

Memory card is not formatted correclty.

SD memory card is write protected,

Turnthe mode lover to the left or press the shutter button halfway to switch to Shooting mode.

During a computer or printer connection, disconnect lhe interface cable before switching lhe camera to Shooting mode.

Wait until _, stops blinking and lights steadily, signaling that the flash ischarged, then press the shutter button.

Insert a new memory card (Basic Guide p. 1).

If required, download the images to a computer and erase them from the memory card to make space.

Format _ memorycard (p. 35).

If refermet_ngdoes not work, _ memory card logic circuitsmay be damaged. Consult _henearest Canon Customer Support HelpDesk.

Slide the write protect tab of the SD memory card upward (p. 133).

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Canon S31S appendix Compliantcameras