When you have many images recorded onto a memory card, it is handy
to use the four search keys below to jump over images to find the object
ofyour search.
Jump 10 Images Jumpsover 10images ata time.
[] Jump 100 Images Jumpsover 100images at a time.
JumpShot Date Jumpsto _e first image wi_ the next shootingdate.
[] Jumpto Movie Jumpsto a movie.
Jumpfoder Dspaysthe first mage neach foder.
1In Single Image playback
mode, press the _button.
The camera will switch to jump
search mode.
• The screen sample will vary
slightly according to the search
key. Positionof currently
displayed image
matchingsearch key.
2Use the or button to select a search key and
press the <1or 1_ button.
To Return to Single Image Playback: Press the MENU button.