Special Print Options

3 Click [] (Store Destination) to open the [Store Destination] dialog box.

The [Store Destination] dialog box opens.


If you close the [Store Destination] dialog box before you complete the operation for this box, the [Store Destination] icon appears in the top right corner of the dialog box. You can re-open the

[Store Destination] dialog box by clicking this icon, or by repeating steps 1 and 2.

4 Specify the document name for the data to send to a User Inbox specify a box number.

If you want to save the data with a new name:

Select [Enter Name] enter the name for [Name].

If you want to save the data with the same name as the document:

Select [Use File Name].


Depending on the printer you are using, you can send data to multiple user inboxes simultaneously.

5 Click [OK].

4-14Sending Document Data to a User Inbox