System Requirements

The printer driver can be used in the following system environments:

Operating System Software

Microsoft Windows 98

Microsoft Windows Me

Microsoft Windows 2000

Microsoft Windows XP

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (32 bit)

With a Server-Based Computing Environment

Compatible Windows Terminal Server (Service)

-Microsoft Windows 2000 Server

-Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Compatible Software

-Citrix MetaFrame XP

-Citrix MetaFrame 1.8

-Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0

-Citrix Presentation Server 4.0

Compatible Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS)

-Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server

-Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition


Any computer which runs the above operating system software properly


The UFR II printer driver is available only for Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. No other operating systems are supported.

Only the iR2016 and iR2020 are available for Windows 98 and Windows Me.


Before You Start

System Requirements
