The Cat CTS Series power contactor Type transfer switch makes use of a fully programmable/configurable
Available configurations include:
40-4000 Amps:
●CTS Automatic Transfer Switches
●CTSD Delayed Transition Transfer Switches
●CTSM Manual Transfer Switches
●CTSCT Closed Transition Transfer Switches
●CBTS Automatic Transfer/Bypass Switches
●CBTSD Delayed Transition Bypass Switches
●CBTSCT Closed Transition Bypass Switches
All CTS products meet or exceed industry requirements to allow specification and installation with confidence.
●UL 1008 listed through 480 VAC
●CSA C22.2 No. 178 listed through 600 VAC
●Codes and Standards NFPA 70, 99, 101, 110 NEC 517, 700, 701, 702 IEEE 446, 241 NEMA
●Controls tested in accordance with: IEEE 472 (ANSI C37.90A) EN55022 Class B (CISPR 22)
(Exceeds EN55011 & MILSTD 461 Class 3)
●Equipment (Controls and Power Section) Seismic Test Qualified to:
●Enclosures meet the requirements of: UL 508, UL 50, ICS 6, ANSI C33.76 and NEMA 250
●Quality System:
ISO 9001 Registered
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This ruggedly built family of power contactor switches has been specifically designed for transfer switch duty with dependability, versatility and user friendliness of prime concern.
The CTS power panel components, consisting of power switching contacts, drive mechanism and terminal lugs, are mounted on a specially formed backplane. Logic devices including microprocessor control auxiliary time delays and special accessory equipment are assembled on the door for ease of maintenance and separation from the power section. They are connected with a numbered wiring harness equipped with a disconnect plug that allows isolation of the control panel for maintenance.
CTS SERIES METHOD OF OPERATION When the normal source fails or the voltage drops to a predetermined point (usually 80% of nominal), if required, a circuit is closed to start the engine generator set. When the emergency source reaches 90% of rated voltage and 95% of rated frequency, the drive solenoid is energized through the emergency coil control relay, causing the main contacts to disconnect the load from the normal source and connect it to the emergency source. After the drive solenoid has completed its electrical stroke and is seated, the emergency coil control relay opens to disconnect it. The transfer switch is now mechanically locked in the emergency position. When normal voltage is restored to a predetermined point (usually 90% of nominal), the control voltage sensing energizes. The normal side coil relay closes, and after the drive solenoid has completed its electrical stroke and is seated, the coil control relay opens to disconnect it. The transfer switch is now mechanically locked in the normal position.
All CTS switches employ the simple