Left Gate Motion Adjustment (R160)

1.Open the gate fully, then initiate closing the gate.

2.Wait 4 to 5 seconds, then lightly "bump" the leading edge of the gate to simulate an obstacle.

3.If the gate does not stop or back up, reopen the gate and adjust the pot slightly counterclockwise.

4.Repeat steps 1-3 until the gate stops or backs up when bumped and has the desired sensitivity.


Left Gate Motion Adjustment (R160)

1.Initiate opening the gate.

2.Wait 4 to 5 seconds, then lightly "tug" against the edge of the gate to simulate an obstacle.

3.If the gate does not stop or back up, reclose the gate and adjust the pot slightly counterclockwise.

4.Repeat steps 1-3 until the gate stops or backs up when tugged and has the desired sensitivity.

Right Gate Motion Adjustment (R69)

1.Open the gate fully, then initiate closing the gate.

2.Wait 4 to 5 seconds, then lightly "bump" the leading edge of the gate to simulate an obstacle.

3.If the gate does not stop or back up, reopen the gate and adjust the pot slightly counterclockwise.

4.Repeat steps 1-3 until the gate stops or backs up when bumped and has the desired sensitivity.


1.Turn the pot fully counterclockwise.

2.Open the gate.

3.If the gate stops due to a fault condition, slightly adjust the pot clockwise. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the gate cycles without a fault.

5.Open gate fully, then initiate closing the gate.

6.If the gate stops or backs up due to a fault condition, slightly adjust the pot clockwise.

7.Repeat steps 6 and 7 until the gate cycles without a fault and has the desired sensitivity.

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Doc 01-20099

Rev F