Correctly installed hitcharm.
Make sure that the hitcharm is correctly attached and se- cured to the carrier. Any kind of incorrect assembly may lead to loss of the carrier during travel, with serious consequences for your child, possibly even fatal injuries.
Attaching the hitcharm to the bicycle (Chariot
Your specialist dealer fi ts the Chariot
In certain special cases, however, you may have to fi t it yourself, e.g. after removing the rear wheel or when fi tting the
In all cases, we recommend that you have the
Attaching the Axle-Mount ezHitch
Bicycle with solid axle
Unscrew the rear wheels
Install the
The opening for the hitch ball and the vertical hole for the security pin must point forward.
Screw the wheels axle nut and the spacer or plain washer back on and tighten them securely.
Depending on the hub type, the existing torque support washer for the hub must stay on the frame. Please follow the assembly instructions for the hub and the manufacturer’s torque specifi cations when fastening the axle nut. If in doubt always ask your specialist retailer.
The rear wheels axle nut must be tightened on the axle thread by at least 5 full turns, so that adequate clamping force is ensured. A thread which is too short can lead to accidental loosening of the rear wheel, with damage and accidents as a result.
If in doubt ask your specialist retailer!