You can also view POST error codes with the show diagnostic post command. This command displays
the results of each POST that executed at power-on.
To view FRU errors on your Topspin 270/Cisco SFS 7008, enter the show diagnostic fru-error
The following types of hardware errors are logged for the Topspin 270/Cisco SFS 7008 power supply:
SFS-270# show diagnostic post
Post Status
fru-slot post-status error-codes
card(1) failed 1:0:0:0
fan(1) passed 0:0:0:0
fan(2) passed 0:0:0:0
power-supply(1) passed 0:0:0:0
SFS-270# show diagnostic fru-error
fru-slot fru-error
fan(1) none
fan(2) none
power-supply(1) none
Table 6-1: Topspin 270/Cisco SFS 7008 Power Supply Errors
Error Number Description
1 Power Supply DC Fail Error
2 Power Supply Fan Fail Error
3 Power Supply I2C Communication Error