Cisco IE 3010 Switch Software Configuration Guide
limiting bandwidth on egress interface 33-76
mapping tables
CoS-to-DSCP 33-59
displaying 33-77
DSCP-to-CoS 33-62
DSCP-to-DSCP-mutation 33-63
IP-precedence-to-DSCP 33-60
policed-DSCP 33-61
types of 33-12
marked-down actions 33-49, 33-54
marking, described 33-3, 33-8
overview 33-1
packet modification 33-18
configuring 33-49, 33-54, 33-57
described 33-8
displaying 33-77
number of 33-33
types of 33-9
policies, attaching to an interface 33-8
described 33-3, 33-8
token bucket algorithm 33-9
policy maps
characteristics of 33-47
displaying 33-77
hierarchical 33-8
hierarchical on SVIs 33-51
nonhierarchical on physical ports 33-47
QoS label, defined 33-3
configuring egress characteristics 33-69
configuring ingress characteristics 33-65
high priority (expedite) 33-17, 33-75
location of 33-13
SRR, described 33-14
WTD, described 33-13
rewrites 33-18
support for 1-9
trust states
bordering another domain 33-39
described 33-4
trusted device 33-37
within the domain 33-35
quality of service
See QoS
queries, IGMP 23-4
query solicitation, IGMP 23-12
vendor-proprietary 9-38
vendor-specific 9-36
accounting 9-35
authentication 9-30
authorization 9-34
communication, global 9-28, 9-36
communication, per-server 9-28
multiple UDP ports 9-28
default configuration 9-27
defining AAA server groups 9-32
displaying the configuration 9-40
identifying the server 9-28
in clusters 5-12
limiting the services to the user 9-34
method list, defined 9-27
operation of 9-20
overview 9-18
server load balancing 9-40
suggested network environments 9-19
support for 1-8
tracking services accessed by user 9-35
RADIUS Change of Authorization 9-20
macro 12-12