Implementing BGP on Cisco IOS XR Software
How to Implement BGP on CiscoIOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Routing Configuration Guide
Configuring an MDT Address Family Session in BGP
Perform this task to configure an IPv4 multicast distribution tree (MDT) subaddress family identifier
(SAFI) session in BGP.
Note The MDT address-family session is configured on provider edge (PE) routers to establish VPN peering
sessions with customer edge (CE) routers and to establish inter-AS multicast VPN peering sessions. The
MDT address family must be configured on each participating PE router.
The MDT SAFI is a transitive, multicast-capable connector attribute that is defined as an IPv4 address
family in BGP. The MDT SAFI is designed to support inter-autonomous system (inter-AS) VPN peering
1. configure
2. router bgp as-number
3. address-family {ipv4 unicast | ipv4 multicast | ipv4 tunnel | ipv6 unicast | ipv6 multicast | vpnv4
unicast | vpnv6 unicast}
4. exit
Step5 keychain name
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config-bgp-nbr)# keychain
Configures keychain-based authentication.
Step6 end
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config-bgp-nbr)# end
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config-bgp-nbr)# commit
Saves configuration changes.
When you issue the end command, the system prompts
you to commit changes:
Uncommitted changes found, commit them before
Entering yes saves configuration changes to the
running configuration file, exits the configuration
session, and returns the router to EXEC mode.
Entering no exits the configuration session and
returns the router to EXEC mode without
committing the configuration changes.
Entering cancel leaves the router in the current
configuration session without exiting or
committing the configuration changes.
Use the commit command to save the configuration
changes to the running configuration file and remain
within the configuration session.
Command or Action Purpose