Implementing BGP on Cisco IOS XR Software
How to Implement BGP on CiscoIOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Routing Configuration Guide
Clearing Caches, Tables, and Databases
Perform this task to remove all contents of a particular cache, table, or database. The clear bgp command
resets the sessions of the specified group of neighbors (hard reset); it removes the TCP connection to the
neighbor, removes all routes received from the neighbor from the BGP table, and then re-establishes the
session with the neighbor. Clearing a cache, table, or database can become necessary when the contents
of the particular structure have become, or are suspected to be, invalid.
1. clear bgp {ipv4 {unicast | multicast | labeled-unicast | all | tunnel | mdt} | ipv6 {unicast |
multicast | all | labeled-unicast} | all {unicast | multicast | all | labeled-unicast | mdt | tunnel} |
vpnv4 unicast | vrf {vrf-name | all} {ipv4 {unicast | labeled-unicast} | ipv6 unicast} | vpnv6
unicast} ip-address
2. clear bgp external
3. clear bgp *
Command or Action Purpose
Step1 clear bgp {ipv4 {unicast | multicast |
labeled-unicast | all | tunnel | mdt} | ipv6
{unicast | multicast | all | labeled-unicast} |
all {unicast | multicast | all |
labeled-unicast | mdt | tunnel} | vpnv4 unicast
| vrf {vrf-name | all} {ipv4 {unicast |
labeled-unicast} | ipv6 unicast} | vpnv6
unicast} {* | ip-address | as as-number |
external} [graceful] soft [in [prefix-filter] |
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# clear bgp ipv4 unicast
Clears a BGP neighbor.
The * keyword resets all BGP neighbors.
The ip-address argument specifies the address of the
neighbor to be reset.
The as-number argument specifies that all neighbors
that match the autonomous system number be reset.
The external keyword specifies that all external
neighbors are reset.
The graceful keyword specifies a graceful restart.