Implementing BGP on Cisco IOS XR Software
How to Implement BGP on CiscoIOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Routing Configuration Guide
Step8 show bgp [ipv4 {unicast | multicast |
labeled-unicast | all} | ipv6 {unicast |
multicast | all | labeled-unicast} | all
{unicast | multicast | all | labeled-unicast} |
vpnv4 unicast [rd rd-address] | vrf {vrf-name |
all} [ipv4 {unicast | labeled-unicast} | ipv6
unicast] | vpnv6 unicast [rd rd-address]]
flap-statistics route-policy route-policy-name
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# show bgp
flap-statistics route-policy policy_A
Displays BGP flap statistics for the specified route policy.
Step9 show bgp [ipv4 {unicast | multicast |
labeled-unicast | all} | ipv6 {unicast |
multicast | all | labeled-unicast} | all
{unicast | multicast | all | labeled-unicast} |
vpnv4 unicast [rd rd-address] | vrf {vrf-name |
all} [ipv4 {unicast | labeled-unicast} | ipv6
unicast] | vpnv6 unicast [rd rd-address]]
flap-statistics {ip-address {mask |
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show bgp flap-statistics
Displays BGP flap for the specified prefix.
Step10 show bgp [ipv4 {unicast | multicast |
labeled-unicast | all} | ipv6 {unicast |
multicast | all | labeled-unicast} | all
{unicast | multicast | all | labeled-unicast} |
vpnv4 unicast [rd rd-address] | vrf {vrf-name |
all} [ipv4 {unicast | labeled-unicast] | ipv6
unicast] | vpnv6 unicast [rd rd-address]]
flap-statistics {ip-address [{mask |
/prefix-length} [longer-prefixes]]}
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show bgp flap-statistics longer-prefixes
Displays BGP flap statistics for more specific entries for the specified IP address.
Step11 clear bgp {ipv4 {unicast | multicast |
labeled-unicast | all} | ipv6 {unicast |
multicast | all | labeled-unicast} | all
{unicast | multicast | all | labeled-unicast} |
vpnv4 unicast | vrf {vrf-name | all} {ipv4
{unicast | labeled-unicast} | ipv6 unicast} |
vpnv6 unicast} flap-statistics
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# clear bgp all all
Clears BGP flap statistics for all routes.
Command or Action Purpose