Implementing EIGRP on CiscoIOS XR Software
How to Implement EIGRP on CiscoIOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Routing Configuration Guide
Redistributing BGP Routes into EIGRP
Perform this task to redistribute BGP routes into EIGRP.
Typically, EIGRP routes are redistributed into BGP with extended community information appended to
the route. BGP carries the route over the VPN backbone with the EIGRP-specific information encoded
in the BGP extended community attributes. After the peering customer site receives the route, EIGRP
redistributes the BGP route then extracts the BGP extended community information and reconstructs the
route as it appeared in the original customer site.
When redistributing BGP routes into EIGRP, the receiving provider edge (PE) EIGRP router looks for
BGP extended community information. If the information is received, it is used to recreate the original
EIGRP route. If the information is missing, EIGRP uses the configured default metric value.
If the metric values are not derived from the BGP extended community and a default metric is not
configured, the route is not advertised to the customer edge (CE) router by the PE EIGRP. When BGP is
redistributed into BGP, metrics may not be added to the BGP prefix as extended communities; for
example, if EIGRP is not running on the other router. In this case, EIGRP is redistributed into BGP with
a “no-metrics” option.
1. configure
2. router eigrp as-number
Step9 site-of-origin {as-number:number |
site-of-origin 3:4
Configures the site-of-origin (SoO) filtering on the EIGRP
Step10 end
Saves configuration changes.
When you issue the end command, the system prompts
you to commit changes:
Uncommitted changes found, commit them before
Entering yes saves configuration changes to the
running configuration file, exits the configuration
session, and returns the router to EXEC mode.
Entering no exits the configuration session and
returns the router to EXEC mode without
committing the configuration changes.
Entering cancel leaves the router in the current
configuration session without exiting or
committing the configuration changes.
Use the commit command to save the configuration
changes to the running configuration file and remain
within the configuration session.
Command or Action Purpose