Implementing BGP on Cisco IOS XR Software
How to Implement BGP on CiscoIOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Routing Configuration Guide
Configuring a Route Reflector for BGPPerform this task to configure a route reflector for BGP.
All the neighbors configured with the route-reflector-client command are members of the client group,
and the remaining iBGP peers are members of the nonclient group for the local route reflector.
Together, a route reflector and its clients form a cluster. A cluster of clients usually has a single route
reflector. In such instances, the cluster is identified by the software as the router ID of the route reflector.
To increase redundancy and avoid a single point of failure in the network, a cluster can have more than
one route reflector. If it does, all route reflectors in the cluster must be configured with the same 4-byte
cluster ID so that a route reflector can recognize updates from route reflectors in the same cluster. The
bgp cluster-id command is used to configure the cluster ID when the cluster has more than one route
1. configure
2. router bgp as-number
3. bgp cluster-id cluster-id
4. neighbor ip-address
5. remote-as as-number
Step13 remote-as as-number
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config-bgp-nbr)# remote-as
Creates a neighbor and assigns a remote autonomous
system number to it.
Step14 end
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config-bgp-nbr)# end
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config-bgp-nbr)# commit
Saves configuration changes.
•When you issue the end command, the system prompts
you to commit changes:
Uncommitted changes found, commit them before
Entering yes saves configuration changes to the
running configuration file, exits the configuration
session, and returns the router to EXEC mode.
Entering no exits the configuration session and
returns the router to EXEC mode without
committing the configuration changes.
Entering cancel leaves the router in the current
configuration session without exiting or
committing the configuration changes.
•Use the commit command to save the configuration
changes to the running configuration file and remain
within the configuration session.
Command or Action Purpose