Implementing Routing Policy on Cisco IOS XR Software
Information About Implementing Routing Policy on CiscoIOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Routing Configuration Guide
Editing Routing Policy Configuration Elements
RPL is based on statements rather than on lines. That is, within the begin-end pair that brackets policy
statements from the CLI, a new line is merely a separator, the same as a space character.
The CLI provides the means to enter and delete route policy statements. RPL provides a means to edit
the contents of the policy between the begin-end brackets, using a text editor. The following text editors
are available on CiscoIOS XR software for editing RPL policies:
Nano (default)

Editing Routing Policy Configuration Elements Using the Nano Editor

To edit the contents of a routing policy using the Nano editor, use the following CLI command in EXEC
edit route-policy name nano
A copy of the route policy is copied to a temporary file and the editor is launched. After editing, enter
Ctrl-X to save the file and exit the editor. The available editor commands are displayed on screen.
Detailed information on using the Nano editor is available at this URL:
Not all Nano editor features are supported on CiscoIOS XR software.

Editing Routing Policy Configuration Elements Using the Emacs Editor

To edit the contents of a routing policy using the Emacs editor, use the following CLI command in EXEC
edit route-policy name emacs
A copy of the route policy is copied to a temporary file and the editor is launched. After editing, save
the editor buffer by using the Ctrl-X and Ctrl-S keystrokes. To save and exit the editor, use the Ctrl-X
and Ctrl-C keystrokes. When you quit the editor, the buffer is committed. If there are no parse errors, the
configuration is committed:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# edit route-policy policy_A
== MicroEMACS 3.8b () == rpl_edit.139281 ==
if destination in (2001::/8) then
== MicroEMACS 3.8b () == rpl_edit.139281 ==
83 bytes parsed in 1 sec (82)bytes/sec
1 items committed in 1 sec (0)items/sec
Updated Commit database in 1 sec