Implementing RIP on Cisco IOS XR Software
How to Implement RIP on CiscoIOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Routing Configuration Guide
An administrative distance is an integer from 0 to 255. In general, the higher the value, the lower the
trust rating. An administrative distance of 255 means the routing information source cannot be trusted
at all and should be ignored. Administrative distance values are subjective; there is no quantitative
method for choosing them.
Routing Policy Options for RIP
Route policies comprise series of statements and expressions that are bracketed with the route-policy
and end-policy keywords. Rather than a collection of individual commands (one for each line), the
statements within a route policy have context relative to each other. Thus, instead of each line being an
individual command, each policy or set is an independent configuration object that can be used, entered,
and manipulated as a unit.
Each line of a policy configuration is a logical subunit. At least one new line must follow the then, else,
and end-policy keywords. A new line must also follow the closing parenthesis of a parameter list and
the name string in a reference to an AS path set, community set, extended community set, or prefix set.
At least one new line must precede the definition of a route policy, AS path set, community set, extended
community set, or prefix set. One or more new lines can follow an action statement. One or more new
lines can follow a comma separator in a named AS path set, community set, extended community set, or
prefix set. A new line must appear at the end of a logical unit of policy expression and may not appear
anywhere else.
How to Implement RIP on Cisco IOS XR SoftwareThis section contains instructions for the following tasks:
•Enabling RIP, pageRC-338 (required)
•Customize RIP, pageRC-339 (optional)
•Control Routing Information, pageRC-342 (optional)
•Creating a Route Policy for RIP, pageRC-344 (optional)
Note To save configuration changes, you must commit changes when the system prompts you.
IS-IS 115
RIP version 1 and 2 120
External EIGRP 170
Internal BGP 200
Unknown 255
Table1 Default Administrative Distances of Routing Protocols (continued)
Routing Protocols Administrative Distance Value