Chapter 5 Configuring Additional Router Features
Managing Configuration History and Rollback
Tip To preview the commands that undo the configuration during a rollback, use the show configuration rollback changes command.
To roll back the router configuration to a previously committed configuration, go to EXEC or administration EXEC mode and enter the rollback configuration to commitId command:
RP/0/RP1/CPU0:router# rollback configuration to 1000000220
Loading | Rollback Changes. |
Loaded Rollback Changes in | 1 sec | |
Committing. |
| |
2 items | committed in 1 sec | (1)items/sec |
Updating. |
| |
Updated | Commit database in | 1 sec |
Configuration successfully | rolled back to '1000000220'. |
Rolling Back the Configuration over a Specified Number of Commits
When you roll back the configuration over a specific number of commits, you do not have to enter a specific commit ID. Instead, you specify a number x, and the software undoes all configuration changes made in the last x committed configuration sessions. The rollback process rolls back the configuration, commits the
Tip To preview the commands that undo the configuration during a rollback, use the show configuration rollback changes command.
To roll back to the last x commits made, go to EXEC or administration EXEC mode and enter the rollback configuration last x command; x is a number ranging from 1 to the number of saved commits in the commit database.
In the following example, a request is made to roll back the configuration changes made during the previous two commits:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# rollback configuration last 2
Loading | Rollback Changes. |
Loaded Rollback Changes in | 1 sec | |
Committing. |
| |
1 items | committed in 1 sec | (0)items/sec |
Updating. |
| |
Updated | Commit database in | 1 sec |
Configuration successfully | rolled back 2 commits. |
Loading CommitID Configuration Changes to the Target Configuration
If the changes saved for a specific commitID are close to what you want, but a rollback is not appropriate, you can load the configuration changes for a commitID into the target configuration, modify the target configuration, and then commit the new configuration. Unlike the rollback process, the loaded changes are not applied until you commit them.
| Cisco IOS XR Getting Started Guide |
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