Configuring Secure Domain Routers on Cisco IOS XR Software
How to Configure Secure Domain Routers
Cisco IOS XR System Management Configuration Guide
Creating SDRs in a 12000 Series Router
To create a non-owner SDR in a CiscoXR 12000 Series Router, create an SDR name, add an RP (that
can act as DSDRSC) or 2 RPs in adjacent redundancy slots (that can act as the DSDRSC & standby
DSDRSC) and then add additional (non-RP) nodes to the configuration
Note The procedures in this section can only be performed on a router that is already running the
Cisco IOS XR software. For instructions to boot a router and perform the initial configuration, refer to
Cisco IOS XR Getting Started Guide. When a router is booted, the owner SDR is automatically created,
and cannot be removed. This guide also includes instructions to create owner SDR username and
Complete the following steps to create a non-owner SDR.
1. admin
2. configure
3. sdr sdr-name
4. location partially-qualified-nodeid
5. (Optional) location partially-qualified-nodeid
6. location partially-qualified-nodeid
7. Repeat Step 6 as needed to add additional nodes to an SDR.
8. exit
9. Repeat Step 3 through Step 7 as needed to create additional SDRs.
10. end
11. Create a username and password for the new SDR as described in the “Configuring a Username and
Password for a Non-Owner SDR” section on pageSMC-157.
Command or Action Purpose
Step1 admin
RP/0/0/CPU0:router# admin
Enters admin mode.
Step2 configure
RP/0/0/CPU0:router(admin)# configure
Enters Administration configuration mode.