Chapter 2
Chapter 2:
Using the Linksys Wireless
Guard Service
This chapter is only for users who have signed up for Linksys Wireless Guard to secure their network and have configured the Access Point for LinksysWireless Guard. (For information on configuring the Access Point for Linksys Wireless Guard, refer to the Quick Installation Guide.)
You will now install the client software needed to securely connect a PC to the Access Point that is protected by Linksys Wireless Guard. This chapter will also show you how to access your protected network and manage your account.
Client Software Installation
1.If you haven’t already done so, on the Welcome screen of the Setup Wizard on the
2.A screen will appear to notify you that the setup is in process. Wait until the next screen appears. If you want to end the installation process, click Cancel.
Configuring Windows Installer
3.The next screen will tell you to close all other applications before continuing. If no other applications are open, click Next to continue. If you want to exit to close your other applications, click Cancel.
Exit Other Applications
4.A license agreement will appear next. Scroll down or press PAGE DOWN to read the entire agreement. To accept the terms and continue the installation, click Yes. To quit the installation, click No.
License Agreement
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