•Robust 150 Watt Power Supply with integral cooling fan
•Optional redundant power supply is
•Power switch is accessible from front of the rack frame
•Power supplies are replaceable from the front of the frame without requiring rear- frame access
•Separate power cords to each supply for power feed redundancy
•PowerLock cord retainer mechanism guards against accidental power loss
•Optional Cooling Fan Module for increased ventilation and enhanced reliability
•Fan Fail and Error Indicator LEDs on front of the frame (available with optional Cooling Fan Module)
•Optional Ethernet based Frame Controller for remote setup, monitoring, and control
Documentation Terms
The following terms are used throughout this guide:
•“Frame” refers to the 8310 frames that house the 8200 series cards.
•All references to the 8310 also include the
•“Operator” and “User” both refer to the person who uses the 8310.
•“System” and “Video system” refers to the mix of interconnected digital and analog production and terminal equipment in which the 8310 operates.
8310 User Manual • (V 1.0.1) | Page 11 of 40 |