Specific Area Message
Encoding (SAME) Alerts
NOAA/SAME Weather Alerts
Specific Area Message Encoding(SAME) Alerts
The MR HH425LI radio is capable of receiving Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) Alerts. During an NWR weather SAME alert, a code for your specific location will alert you to deteriorating weather conditions in a preprogrammed specific area or a specific event such as a Severe Thunderstorm Watch or Tropical Storm Warning. There are over 900 National Weather Radio (NWR) service stations using broadcast frequencies that transmit SAME alerts. You must program your county, parish or independent city or marine area into the radio.
DO NOT program your radio for a louder or clearer station not designated as a SAME channel. You will not receive the local desired alerts.
The NWR service will then alert you only of weather and other emergencies for all areas programmed on this radio.
•When an NWR office broadcasts a warning, watch or
•If programmed correctly, this radio will turn to the WX channel so you can listen to the NWR SAME message. You will hear the 1050 Hz warning alarm tone as an attention signal, followed by the broadcast message.
•At the end of the broadcast message, you will hear a brief digital
SAME coverage areas are defined within the “NWR Broadcast Service Area” and are comprised of named counties, boroughs, metropolitan areas or portions thereof. NWR “Broadcast Service Area” coverage by State can be found at http://www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr or by telephone at
The information at the following website, http://www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr/indexnw.htm#sametable, will help to program the SAME alert county codes and respective frequencies into this radio. This site also lists SAME code Marine zones for bounded and named water areas.
32 English
Included in this Package
Included in this Package
You should find all of the following items in the package with your CobraMarineVHF/GMRS radio:
Radio | Wrist Strap |
Dual Band Antenna | 120V Battery Charger Power Cord |
12V Battery Charger Power Cord | Operating Instruction Manual |
Alkaline Battery Tray
*Alkaline batteries not included
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