Select and conrm ENCODE in the Music Mode menu to access the File Browser to look for Line -
In and FM Radio recording les in the ENCODE folder of your player. This is where your player
stores Line-in and FM Radio reco rdings; refer to the Recording sect ion for more details).
Use the Navigation keys to select folders and re cording les to play. Refer to the Basic Op-
erations section for details.
With a le selected in the File Brows er, touch and hold to view le or folder information.
While a music track is playing, touch and hold to display a context menu with the following
advanced functions: Favorite (+/-), EQ, Play Speed, and Info. Refer to the Advanced Func -
tions: Music section for details.
Select and conrm VOICE in the Music Mode menu to acces s the File Browser to look for Mic ro-
phone (Voice) recording les in the VOICE folder of your player. This is where your player store s
Voice recordings; refer to the Recordin g section for more details).
Use the Navigation keys to select folders and re cording les to play. Refer to the Basic Op-
erations section for details.
With a le selected in the File Brows er, touch and hold to view le or folder information.
While a music trac k is playing (Current Track), touch and hold to display a context menu
with the following advanc ed functions: Favorite (+/-), EQ, Play Spe ed, and Info. Refer to the
Advanced Functions: Music sectio n for details.
Select and conrm PLAYLISTS in the Music Mode menu to access your quick-add Favorites Playl-
ist (refer to the Advanced Functions: Music section for details). You can also access M3U playlists
that have been created on your computer and s aved in the PLAY LIST folder of your player.
Select and conrm SEARCH in the Music
Mode menu to quickly nd music by the r st 3
letters of its le name.
Touch or to select the rst letter and
then touch .The list below will reect all
les t hat star t wit h the letter you have
Touch or to select the second letter
and then touch . The list will now reect
all les that start with the rst and second
letters you have selected.
Touch or to select the third letter and the n touch . The list will now reect all les that
start with the rst, seco nd, and third letters you have selected.