In addition to the careful attention devoted to quality st andards in the manufacture of this device,
safety is a maj or factor in the design of every instrument. However, safety is your responsib ility,
too. This sheet lists impor tant information that wil l help to assure your enjoyment an d proper use
of this device and accessor y equipment. Please read this c arefully before o peration and use of
your device.
Read these instructions care fully. Keep these instructions for future re ference.
Heed all warnings and follow all instr uctions.
Do not expose to water or moisture.
Clean only with a dry cloth.
This device should be operated only f rom the type of power source indicate d on the rating
label. If you are not sure of the type of power sup ply to your home, consult your video
dealer or local power company. For devices inte nded to operate from battery power o r other
sources, refer to the operating inst ructions.
Do not overload wall outlets or extensi on cords as this can result in a risk of re o r electric
shock. Overloaded AC outlets, ext ension cords, frayed power cords, dama ged or cracked
wire insulation, and broken plugs are dang erous. They may result in a shock or re hazard.
Examine the cord periodic ally, and if its appearance indicates damage or d eteriorated
insulation, have it replaced by a servi ce technician.
Do not force the power plug into a wall outl et. If the plug provided does not t into your
outlet, consult an electric ian for replacement of the obsolete outlet . (A polarized plug has
two blades where one is wider than th e other; the wide blade is provided for your s afety.)
Do not place heavy objects on the p ower cord. Protect the cord from bei ng walked on,
pinched by objects, or torn and expos ed to liquids (especially at plugs, convenience
receptacles, and the point at whic h they exit from the device).
Do not use this device near water. Do not place obje cts lled with liquids (eg, vases) on the
device. Never spill liquid of any kind on the devic e.
Do not drop or otherwise subjec t the device to impact. Keep objects away fro m ventilation
openings. Do not block ventilation op enings at any time.
Never push objects of any kind into this devic e through openings as they may touch danger-
ous voltage points or short out pa rts that could result in a re or elec tric shock.
Do not install near any apparatus that produces heat such as stoves, radiators, ampliers, etc.
Use only with attachments/acc essories specied by the manuf acturer. Use of attachments/
accessories not recomm ended by the product manufacturer may be ha zardous.
Unplug the device during lightning sto rms. Unplug the device and remove any batter ies
when the device will be unused for long p eriods of time.
Do not open or attempt to repair this device. Refer all repairs to authorized service personnel.
When replacements parts ar e required, be sure the service tech nician has used replace-
ment parts specied by the manuf acturer or that have the same characteri stics as the
original part. Unauthori zed substitutions may result in re, elect ric shock, or other hazards.
Upon completion of any servic e or repairs to this device, ask the ser vice technician to
perform safety checks to det ermine that the device is in proper opera ting condition.