Enter FM Radio mode to play tune into FM Radio broadcasts.
You must have a pair of headphones connected to the headphone jack to receive FM broadcasts; your player will utilize the headphone cord as an FM antenna.
To enter FM Radio mode, select and confirm FM RADIO in the Main menu.
Basic FM Radio Operation
Upon entering FM Radio mode, you can tune into stations manually (FREQ) or by using preset stations (PRESET).
•Touch to toggle between FREQ and PRESET tuning modes. If no Preset stations have been saved, you will not be able to toggle between FREQ and PRESET tuning mode
•FREQ: Listen to Manually-Tuned Channels.
Touch to tune to higher frequencies; touch
to tune to lower frequencies.
•PRESET: Listen to Preset Channels.
Touch to tune higher Preset stations or
to tune to lower Preset stations.
•Touch to automatically detect and save as a preset station any frequency with a signal. This will overwrite any previously saved preset stations.
•Touch to toggle between Stereo and Mono receptions modes.
Advanced Functions: FM Radio
Touch and hold to access the Advanced Function options: Presetting,
•Presetting: Manually save the current station as a Preset.
•Area: Sets the FM frequency range area (US, Japan, Europe).