Installing the Network Protocols
To install the necessary network protocols, complete the following steps:
1.From the Windows Taskbar, click Start, point to Settings, then click Control Panel.
3.When the message Your network is not complete. Do you want to continue? is displayed, click Yes.
4.In the Network window, the Configuration tab is displayed:
a.Click Add.
b.Select Client and click Add.
c.Select Microsoft.
d.Select Client for Microsoft Networks, then click OK.
e.Select File and Print Sharing…, then click in both boxes to make check marks appear. Click OK. In the Network window, the Configuration tab is displayed.
5.Click Add.
6.In the Select Network Component Type window:
a.Click Protocol.
b.Click Add.
c.Select Microsoft.
d.Select IPX/SPX compatible Protocol.
e.Click OK.
f.Click Add.
g.Click Protocol.
h.Click Add.
i.Select Microsoft.
j.Select TCP/IP.
k.Click OK.