MultiBoot (Advanced Users Only)
The Phoenix MultiBoot utility allows you to set the notebook to start up from most bootable devices.
The bootable device may be a network interface card (NIC) or a bootable drive medium. The bootable drive medium may be a diskette drive diskette, an optical drive disc, or other optional
Changing the Startup Sequence with MultiBoot
A bootable medium or NIC contains files needed by the notebook to start up and operate properly.
When more than one bootable medium or NIC is in the system, the notebook selects the startup medium or NIC by searching sequenced locations for, first, a bootable optical drive disc; second, a bootable diskette or disk; third, a bootable hard drive; and fourth, a bootable NIC.
You can change the sequence in which the notebook searches for a startup device by enabling MultiBoot and entering a new startup sequence (sometimes called a boot order). Or, you can use MultiBoot Express to set the notebook to prompt you for a startup location each time the notebook is started or restarted.
Some devices must be enabled in Computer Setup before they can be included in a MultiBoot sequence.
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