MultiBoot (Advanced Users Only)
3.To save your preferences and exit Computer Setup, use the arrow keys to select File > Save Changes and Exit, then follow the instructions on the screen.
Your preferences are set as you exit Computer Setup and are in effect when the notebook restarts.
✎To connect a NIC to a PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment) or RPL (Remote Program Load) server during startup without using MultiBoot (whether or not MultiBoot or USB legacy support is enabled), press F12 when the Network Service Boot message appears very briefly in the lower right corner of the screen.
Using the Default Search Sequence
By default, MultiBoot is disabled and the notebook selects the startup medium or NIC by searching enabled locations in the sequence described in the list below.
(This list describes the order in which drive numbers are assigned. The actual startup sequence varies by configuration. For example, the notebook searches only once for a device containing a medium that can boot as drive A. If the first device it searches does not contain a medium that can boot as drive A, the notebook then searches for a device containing a medium that can boot as drive C.)
1.Optical drive in a port replicator connected by USB that contains a disc that boots as drive A
2.Optical drive in notebook that contains a disc that boots as drive A
3.Diskette drive in a port replicator or connected by USB
4.Diskette drive in notebook
5.Optical drive in a port replicator or connected by USB that contains a disc that boots as drive C
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