System Software & Restoration
The following details the utilities available on your Compaq Software CD and provides explanation of each.
Utilities | Utility Description |
Make Boot Diskettes | This utility allows you to create a bootable diskette set. The Boot |
| Diskette set allows you to boot directly to DOS. It provides a |
| |
| hard drive or run the AMI Diagnostics utility. |
AMI Diagnostics | AMI Diagnostics is designed to help isolate hardware failures and |
| identify important system configuration information prior to |
| requesting |
| center for repair. In addition to being able to run AMI Diagnostics |
| from the Compaq Software CD, the AMI Diagnostics utility can |
| also be run from the bootable diskette set created via the Make |
| Boot Diskettes utility mentioned above. See “Using Diagnostics” |
| for detailed information on using AMI Diagnostics. |
Japanese | This option provides the necessary drivers to support 1.25MB |
Support (Windows 95 | floppy diskettes which are common in the Japanese marketplace. |
only) |
Make Boot Diskettes
To create a Boot Diskette Set:
__________________________ Note _____________________________
Before creating the Boot Diskette Set, obtain two blank formatted floppy diskettes.
1.Boot to Windows, then insert the Compaq Software CD into the
2.Select the [Start] button located on the Windows Taskbar, then click on [Run]. In the Open field, type: X:\CDINSTALL (where X represents the drive letter assigned to your
3.When the Welcome screen appears, click [Next]. The Choose Desired Category screen will appear. Click on the Utilities radio button and then click [Next].
4.The Utilities screen will appear. Click on the Make Boot Diskettes radio button and click [Install].
5.You will be informed that two formatted diskettes are required to complete this process. Obtain two formatted diskettes, then click [Yes] to continue the process.