Flash picture | Subject is too far away. | Move subject closer. |
taken is too dark. |
| Flash is not set to Auto. | Turn Auto Flash on. |
Daylight picture | The subject is in front of | Change the subject’s |
taken is too dark. | bright light. | position. |
Can’t take | Memory is full. | Delete unwanted pictures |
picture. |
| and continue shooting, or |
| download all pictures to |
| the PC and then delete all |
| pictures from camera |
| memory. Get a new |
| memory card. |
| Power is off. | Turn power on. |
Flash did not | There was sufficient | This is normal as your |
light for the shot, flash | camera’s electronic light | |
work. | was not needed. | sensor is programmed to only |
| fire the flash when needed. |
| Auto Flash is not on. | Turn Auto Flash on. |
| Flash did not charge | The flash takes a short |
| fully. | time to charge up, this is |
| normal. |
| Batteries are dead. | Replace the batteries. |
Part of the pict- | Something was blocking | Keep hands, fingers, etc. |
ure is missing. | the lens. | away from the lens. |
| Image not centered | Make sure image is cent- |
| when taking picture. | ered in the viewfinder. |