combustion. In all cases, the flue must be relined with a listed liner system, such as HomeSaver Chimney Liner. If your masonry built chimney contains oversized flue tiles it must be relined to ensure proper draft. This means that a new, properly sized liner system must be installed before connection to the Crossfire stove is completed. Again, for 10 feet or less a 3 inch stainless steel liner can be used with the Crossfire. For lengths greater than 10 feet, a 4 inch stainless steel liner is to be used. It is also strongly recommended that these stainless steel liners be fully wrapped in insulation. This insulation will limit moisture buildup and ensure better performance of the Crossfire stove. Country Flame strongly recommends the use of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors when installing the Crossfire. Always refer to local codes and a professional installer to ensure proper installation.


1.A Country Flame Crossfire insert may require a listed floor protector that is noncombustible. Refer to TABLE 3 on page 27 of this manual to ensure all clearances to combustible material are met during the installation of a Crossfire stove. Ensure that any noncombustible floor protection equals or exceeds R = 1.5 or greater. Refer to TABLE 3 for floor protector clearance requirements.

2.If a floor protector, different from the tested floor protector, is to be used, it must meet or exceed the requirements of the listed R-value of the tested floor protector. To convert alternate floor protectors to their respective R value use the following procedures:

a.Convert floor material specification to R-value.

i.R-value is given – no conversion is required.

ii.k-factor is given with required thickness (T) in inches: R = (1/k) x T.

iii.C-factor given: R = 1/C.

b.Determine the R-value of the proposed alternate floor protector.

i.Use the formulas provided in STEP 2a to convert values not expressed as “R.”

ii.For multiple layers of material, add each R-value of each layer to determine the materials overall R-Value.

c.If the overall R-value of the alternate material is greater than the R-value tested material defined in STEP 1, then the alternate floor protection is acceptable.


i.The tested material was ¾-inch thick with a k-factor of 0.84.

ii.The R-value of the tested material was R = (1/0.84) x 3/4 = 0.893.

iii.The proposed alternative floor protector is 4-inch brick material with a C-factor of 1.25 over 1/8-inch mineral board with k-factor of .29.

iv.The 4-inch brick material has a value of Rbrick = (1/1.25) = 0.80.

v.The mineral board has a value of Rmnbrd = 1/0.29 x 0.125 = 0.431

vi.Total Rbrick + Rmnbrd = 0.80 + 0.431 = 1.231.

vii.Since the total R-value of the alternate example floor protector (R=1.231) is greater than the tested example floor protector (R=0.893), the alternate is acceptable.

3.Listed Floor Protector Definitions:

a.Thermal Conductance = C = Btu/(hr)(ft2)(OF) = W/(m2)(OK)

b.Thermal Conductivity = k = (Btu)(inch)/(hr)(ft2)(OF) = W/(m)(OK) = Btu/(hr)(ft)(OF)

c.Thermal Resistance = R = (ft2)(hr)(OF)/Btu = (m2)(OK)/W

4.Install in accordance with 24 CFR, Part 3280 (HUD).

5.WARNING: Crossfire insert stoves must always be placed on a listed floor protector if the existing floor where the stove is to be placed is made of any combustible material. Never allow

Version 2.0e