inefficiently. FIGURE 20 shows an x-ray view into the clean-out port of the right side of the Crossfire. This right side clean-out port allows access to the right side exhaust chamber and underneath the exhaust fan itself. There is no access to the chimney connector and clean out T box but a powerful vacuum will be able to suck considerable amount of ash from the chimney box thus assisting in proper maintenance of the stove.


In the event a Crossfire system requires cleaning of the chimney to remove debris or ash, FIGURE 21 shows how to remove the chimney connector. In order to remove the chimney connector, the Crossfire will require removal from its hearth installation. This should not be necessary except under the most extreme operating conditions or in the event an animal has obtained entrance to the top of the chimney and built a nest inside the chimney. Again, the homeowner should contact a certified chimney sweep as they may have the equipment to clean the chimney from roof level thus eliminating the requirement to remove the Crossfire from its hearth installation.

Whatever time is spent maintaining and cleaning a Crossfire should be viewed as improving both the burn efficiency and the heat output of this product.

Version 2.0e