Startup procedure assumes that proper electrical power is being provided from the electrical grid (Power Company) and the stove is in proper working order. Approaching the control panel no lights will be illuminated.
Upon pressing the on/off switch the Crossfire’s startup phase will be activated.
The stove has now entered the “startup” phase. Pellets should have already been placed in the burn pot (only required if 100% corn fuel is being used.) Manually ignite the stove to burn the pellets and heat up the firebox. It is important to have a “hot” fire of pellets ignited to ensure that once corn starts feeding, the corn will sustain
Multiple heat lights indicate the control panel burn phase. There are five red lights used to indicate the relationship to the system’s heat settings. Pushing the control panel’s HEAT LEVEL switch will cause a heat light to cycle one level up from Heat 1 through Heat 5. Once the Heat 5 setting has been reached, if the HEAT LEVEL button is pushed again, the heat setting will cycle over again starting at Heat 1. The operator controls the heat output of the stove by utilizing Heat 1 through Heat 5 settings. Heat 1 setting provides the lowest heat output from the system and the longest time between refills of the fuel hopper. Heat 5 provides the maximum heat output from the system and the shortest time between refills of the fuel hopper. Changing any heat setting up or down by one increment will cause a delayed (it takes time for both the fuel and air adjustments to impact the burn chamber) increase or decrease in the heat output of the system. Changing any heat setting up or down by two or more increments will require an increased amount of time before the burn rate of the stove stabilizes.
The control system automatically adjusts to the requested heat settings without further intervention of the operator. NOTE: The control panel display immediately reflects the final heat setting requested by the operator regardless of how many incremental changes occur but the operator should remember that it takes “time” for the stove to stabilize to the new heat setting.
Any time the system is switched off by pressing the
Version 2.0e | 48 |