The ON/OFF Switch serves to turn the system on and off by holding the switch for




approximately 5 seconds. The ON/OFF Switch can also be used to initiate the




FUEL PRIME MODE by holding it for approximately 30 seconds. When in the




prime mode the Thermostat lights will sequentially light from top to bottom




simulating a “filling action” of the auger tube. In a fully automatic mode pellet




stove, the ON Function of the switch is ignored.




When these two switches are pressed during the STARTUP CYCLE only, they can




be used to turn the stir rod of the Harvester model. In all other pellet stoves these




switches only function as heat up and down switches.




This is a 3-color light when AC power is applied. A red light indicates that the




Control Board has DC Power available but the system is off. A green light




indicates that the System is on. A yellow light indicates that the combustion air




should be cleaned. As Country Flame works to improve the sensor technology,




this yellow light will become more valuable to the service technician as well as the








When all Control Panel lights are flashing on and off, this indicates that the




Product has an encountered an unknown state. Nothing more, nothing less. The




purpose of these flashing lights is to alert the home owner or the service technician




that the stove operation ended out of sequence, ran out of fuel, or encountered a




power interruption that the Control System could not recover from.




In the Cool Down Mode, the Heat Setting lights will sequentially go out from top




to bottom, all relight and then sequentially go out from top to bottom. This cycle




will continue until such time that the Control Board senses the stove has properly




cooled down.




Each heat setting, controlled by the stove Heat Up or Heat Down switch, is




provides as much combustion air and fuel as is required for that heat setting. Due




to the number of unique environmental variables as well as variations in pellet fuel




used in different regions, Country Flame cannot provide exact BTU ratings for




each heat setting except those that were established in Government Test Labs




under controlled conditions. At the same time, the rule of thumb is that each heat




setting on the Country Flame line of Biomass Product starts at one pound of fuel




per hour and increments to a top setting of five pounds of fuel per hour. Using a




BTU rating of from 4,000 to 10,000 BTU per pound of fuel, depending on the type




and moisture content of the fuel, an estimate of heat output can be made.















Country Flame’s control board provides reliable control of stove functions with minimal human intervention required. This control technology provides flexibility in adapting to future changes and improvements in technology. Finally, this control technology offers a simple interface between the operator and the product being used.

Country Flame’s control board is sensitive to utility grid power variations. In the event a homeowner’s area has difficulty with utility power fluctuations, Country Flame’s stove products can be interfaced to an inexpensive battery back up system. The actual cost of a battery backup system will be fully dependent on customer requirements. From random power “glitches” or short duration electrical power interruptions to major power outages, the Country Flame stove can operate off battery or generator backup systems. Contact Country Flame or one of its local authorized dealers to discuss the specifics of a single application.

In conclusion, Country Flame is striving to become a leader in the area of biomass control and product technology. This leadership will provide direct benefits to Country Flame distributors, dealers, and our customers. As always, Country Flame welcomes input on how to better meet the customer’s needs.

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