Firepot Lid Lifts during the lighting

This may happen until the corn has started to burn.



This is normal and may occur at other times. This



aids in keeping the corn from sticking to the stirring



paddles until the fire is established.


Stirring Paddles do not turn

The chain drive for the stirring paddles needs to be



checked after the first 8 hours of operation as it can



loosen. It is located by opening the left side door



(the one with the control panel). Inspect the tension



of the chain. It should have approximately 1/2”



play. If the chain is too loose, adjust the chain drive



motor by loosening the 4 bolts securing it and



sliding it back until there is proper play in the chain.



Re-tighten the bolts securely. This should be



checked monthly or if you notice the stirring



paddles not turning or binding.

Fire Goes outAsh Build Up

The ash pan must be emptied every day, to prevent



the build up of ash under the firepot blocking the air



flow to the fire pot putting the fire out.


Fire goes out during cleaning of the

Do not leave the ash pan out for more than three


ash pan

minutes or you may have to restart fire. Remove the



ash pan using gloves.


Build up of Corn

Your Firepot may need additional cleaning as



extended burning on the high setting may cause a



build-up of corn

Stove SmokesYour Corn/Pellet Stove Smokes

Your fuel may be damp or you may be using the



incorrect fuel.


Your Corn/Pellet Stove Smokes

You have used the incorrect starter fluid. Only use



the approved pellet starter gel. Your Country Flame



Dealer can advise you on where to find this.


Your Corn/Pellet Stove Smokes

Check that the chimney is clean and free of soot and



fly-ash build-up. Your stove exhaust system works



with a negative combustion chamber pressure and a



low positive chimney pressure. It is very important



that the exhaust system be completely airtight and



properly installed.

CleaningCleaning is messy and difficult

Clean the Heat Exchanger more frequently. This



cleaning procedure should be done daily. If buildup



is allowed to go unattended, cleanup will be much



more difficult and the efficiency of your stove will



be adversely affected.

GlassGlass Breaks

Use care not to slam or strike door, this could result



in glass breakage. If the glass in your heater is



broken or cracked, DO NOT operate your stove



until the glass has been replaced.

DoorsLuster on Gold Doors Fades

Always use an approved glass cleaner (ie. Windex,



Glass Plus) and a lint free soft cloth to polish the



door frame. Do not use abrasives like steel wool,



brass polish or adhesive cleaners like comet, as



these will scratch the finish. If the Gold Doors are



scratched they will have to be replaced or returned



to Country Flame for refinishing. This is expensive



and during this time you will not be able to use your





Doors are not airtight

The doors need alignment or need to have the



gaskets replaced. This needs to be inspected on a



regular basis.

Version 2.0b