Symptom | Explanation |
Videoplaybackdoesn’twork | Play the file on your PC. If the file plays on your PC, please use the COWON Media center- jetAudio to convert the file |
| to an A3 compatible format and play the file on A3. |
Can’tfindfilesstored. | Only compatible formats are shown under each playback mode. For eg, under Music mode, only audio files (mp3, |
| wav, wma, ogg, and etc) are displayed. Use “Browser” mode to explore all files stored in A3. |
PCdoesnotrecognizeA3. | • A3 does not support Windows 98 and older versions of windows. |
| • Use the USB port on the back of your PC rather than one on the front of the PC or USB hub. |
Availablediskspaceindicated | If the player disk space is 30GB, then the player will normally have about 27GB. This is because the space rec- |
maylessthanActualdisk | ognized by both the hard disk manufacturer and your computer is different, and the space used for system files for |
space. | normal player operation has influence in the actual disk space. |
Aftersavinghundredsoffiles | A3 hard disk uses FAT32 format. Due to limitations of FAT, avoid saving too many files in the Root Directory. |
intheRootfolder,A3maynot |
workproperly. |