1.Useextremecarein handlinggasolineandother fuels. They areextremelyflammableandthe vaporsareexplosive.
a.Storefuel andoil in approvedcontainers,awayfrom heat andopenflame,andout of the reachof children. Check andaddfuel beforestartingtheengine. Neverremovegas
cap or addfuelwhilethe engineis running. Allow engine to coolat leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling.
b.Replacegasolinecap securelyand wipe off any spilled
gasolinebeforestartingthe engineas it maycausea fire orexplosion.
c.Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipesand othersources of ignition.
d.Neverrefuel unit indoors becauseflammablevaporswill accumulateinthearea.
e.Neverstore the machineor fuel containerinside where there is an openflameor sparksuch as a gashot water heater,spaceheater,clothesdryerorfurnace.
2.Neverrun your machinein an enclosedareaas the exhaust from the enginecontainscarbonmonoxide,whichis anodor- less,tastelessanddeadlypoisonousgas.
3.To reducefire hazard,keepengineandmufflerfree of leaves,
4, Beforecleaning, repairing, or inspecting, makecertain the impellerandall moving parts havestopped. Disconnectthe
sparkplugwire andkeepwire awayfrom sparkplugto prevent accidentalstarting. Do not use flammablesolutionsto clean air filter.
5.Checkthe bladeandenginemountingscrewsat frequentinter- valsfor propertightness. Alsovisuallyinspectbladesfor wear and!or damage(e.g., bent, cracked). Replacewith blades whichmeetoriginalequipmentspecifications.
6.Keepall nuts,bolts,andscrewstight to besurethe equipment is in safeworkingcondition.
7.Nevertamperwith safetydevices. Checktheir properopera- tion regularly.
8.After striking a foreign object, immediatelystopthe engine, disconnectthe sparkplugwire from the sparkplug, andthor- oughlyinspectthe unitfor anydamage. Repairdamagebefore startingandoperatingunit.
9.Donot alterortamperwith theengine'sgovernorsetting. The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operatingspeedof the engine.
damage to the engine and to other moving parts of the machine.
Restrict the use of this power machineto personswho read, understandand follow the warnings and instructions in this manualandonthe machine.