Theaugersaresecuredtotheaugershaftwithspecialshearpinsthatare designedto breakif anobjectbecomeslodgedin theaugerhousing.Use of a hardergradeshearpinwill reducetheprotectionprovidedbythe shearpin.

,_ WARNING:Do not go near the dischargechute or auger when the engine is running. Do not run the engine if

any cover or guard is removed.

Undermostcircumstances,if theaugerstrikesanobjectwhichcould causedamageto theunit,theshearpinwill break.Thisprotectsthegear boxandotherpartsfromdamage.

Theshearpins(A, Figure41)arelocatedontheaugershaft.Replacea brokenshearpinasfollows.

1.Tapoutthebrokenshearpinwitha pinpunch.

2.Installa newshearpinandcotterpin.Bendtheendsofthecotterpin down.


Figure 41

iMPORTANT:Do not replaceshear pins with anything other than the correctgrade replacementshear pin. Useof bolts,

screws, or harder grade shear pins can result in equipment damage.


Checktires for damage.Checkthe air pressurein the tires with an accurategauge(seeFigure42).

,_ CAUTION:Avoid Injury! Explosiveseparation of tire and rim parts is possible when they are serviced


,,Do not attempt to mounta tire without the proper equipment and experience to perform the job.

,,Do not inflate the tires above the recommended pressure.

,,Do not weld or heat a wheel and tire assembly. Heat can

causean increasein air pressureresulting in an

CheckingTire Air Pressure

Figure 42

explosion. Welding can structurally weaken or deformthe






,, Do not stand in front or over the tire assembly when



inflating. Useappropriate tool that allows you to stand to



one side.



NOTICE:Check side of tire for maximum tire pressure. DO



NOTexceed maximum.




Page 30
Image 30
Craftsman C950-52943-0 owner manual AUGERSHEARPiN Replacement, Any cover or guard is removed, Incorrectly, One side